
How To Write a Professional Good Resume? Complete Guide

How To Write a Professional Good Resume? Complete Guide

For many job-seekers, the process of landing their dream job can be frustrating. Despite sending out numerous resumes, they find themselves sitting around for weeks or even months with little to no replies. This often happens because their resume is not up to par – it’s either too weak or incomplete. In Choice D, instead of simply waiting, it’s crucial to apply a proactive approach. Take the time to write a professional and good resume that stands out. This will not only make you more visible to HR managers but also increase your chances of receiving replies and inviting interviews.

To break the cycle of disappointment, job-seekers must not only play the resume game but also continuously complete it. Each day, diligently apply to relevant positions, ensuring your resume is tailored to the specific company and role. Let it serve as a daily guide that leads you to success. Don’t wait for the perfect job – make your resume the perfect fit. Invest time to know everything about creating a professional resume that HR managers will notice and respond to, turning those silent weeks into a series of replies and invitations for interviews.

Follow these 10 steps to craft a compelling resume:

1. Pick a resume layout

Job seekers today have the flexibility to choose from three main resume formats: the Chronological resume, the Combination resume, and the Functional resume. Each format arranges parts differently with the goal of helping individuals lay out their professional background in a way that emphasizes their strengths. The right format depends on factors such as work history, the job one is applying for, and the skill set they want to highlight. 

A compelling resume should provide a clear and concise explanation of the individual’s qualifications and experience, making it easier for employers to assess their suitability for the position.

Chronological format

When crafting your resume, it’s crucial to follow a chronological format to showcase your work experience in reverse order, starting from your most recent position and progressing to the least recent. Begin with your contact details and a short introduction, followed by the experience section highlighting your current job and moving down to your last job and other previously held positions. 

This chronological format is the best choice for job seekers as it provides an easy-to-understand and clear career progression for potential employers. Use a consistent font, size, and margins throughout to ensure an easy-to-read document. Tailor your resume to the job description, quantify your achievements, and include relevant keywords to highlight your skills and accomplishments. Be concise, avoid unnecessary details, and proofread meticulously to ensure an error-free presentation.

To increase the effectiveness of your job application, avoid common mistakes such as including lengthy or irrelevant information. Focus on job relevance, steer clear of generic language, and never exaggerate your accomplishments. Neglecting consistency in your resume can diminish its impact, so pay attention to detail. 

a well-structured, tailored, and error-free resume presented in a chronological format with a focus on job relevance and consistency can significantly enhance the benefits for the majority of job seekers.

Functional format

Functional format

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A functional resume is a skills-based format that emphasizes your relevant skills rather than listing job titles and work experience chronologically. This type of resume uses categories to organize and illustrate your professional skills effectively. It is particularly useful for those with employment gaps, undergoing a career change, or experiencing a lack of professional experience.


 By strategically using resume bullet points, you can shift attention away from the traditional focus on your work history and highlight accomplishments from various aspects of your life, including school and personal life. This format allows you to showcase the skills and qualifications most applied to the position you are seeking.

Combination format

combination resume

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Crafting an effective resume format requires a thoughtful combination of the traditional chronological and functional approaches. A hybrid resume is tailored to showcase both work experience and technical skills in a way that best suits the individual’s profile. For candidates with a lot of experience, this format allows for a concise yet well-developed presentation of their specialized skill set, specifically arranged to highlight their strengths without delving into overly long, detailed descriptions.


2. List your contact information

When crafting your resume, ensure it lands effectively by adopting a clean and professional style. Opt for a concise resume format that highlights your relevant experience. Use a readable font size, but avoid going larger than 20 points to maintain a polished look. In the header, prominently put your name, email address, and professional phone number. 


Consider including optional details such as a mailing address or local connection to the job. Incorporate a short resume headline or subtitle that succinctly describes your expertise. Don’t forget to include links to your online portfolio, website, and LinkedIn URL—the largest element of your resume that can make it stand out. Take the time to dive into the details that matter, making your resume a powerful tool in your job search.


3. Start your resume with a summary or objective

In the competitive job market, job seekers must craft a convincing resume introduction to quickly capture the hiring manager’s attention. Utilizing a bullet-point format at the top of the resume allows for a snapshot of relevant experience, skills, and qualifications. This style helps the resume stand out during the brief review period, especially in large companies where numerous applications land on the hiring manager’s desk for each job opening. Clear communication in the English language is crucial as it ensures that the right person for the job is easily identified.

Crafting a compelling resume introduction is vital to navigate through the fierce competition. The 3–5 sentences at the beginning of the resume serve as a strategic tool to communicate how the applicant aligns with the company’s needs. A well-structured resume format not only showcases one’s qualifications but also establishes a connection with the hiring manager, making it more likely for the application to move forward in the selection process.

Resume summary

An introduction to our accomplished candidates reveals several years of relevant work experience and a diverse set of skills. Their list of achievements is impressive, with notable accomplishments clearly tied to quantifiable numbers providing valuable context. The comprehensive overview highlights the candidates’ expertise and makes them stand out in the competitive job market.

Resume objective

As a professional seeking to pivot my career path, my objective is to leverage my writing skills and dedication to contribute to a company’s goals. Despite being a recent graduate from school, I acknowledge a lack of traditional experience, yet I aim to compensate through enthusiasm and adaptability. I’m eager to apply for an internal position where I can grow alongside the company while proving that candidates with diverse backgrounds bring unique perspectives to the table.

4. List your work experience and accomplishments

How to format work experience on your resume

When structuring your work experience entry in a resume, it’s essential to use a clear format. Begin with your most recently held position at the top and use the present tense to detail your current responsibilities. To effectively demonstrate growth, showcase title changes or promotions within the same job by using the past tense for older positions underneath. This list of previous roles illustrates the best way to show promotions and how you’ve grown professionally while providing a comprehensive view for potential employers.

What to do if you don’t have work experience

When crafting your resume as a student, strategically organizing the experiences section can greatly highlight your relevant background. You can list internships, volunteer work, and shadowing experience under the same section to showcase diverse learning. Don’t hesitate to rename the section to “Professional Engagements” for a more effective presentation. Additionally, freelance work or projects gained while self-employed are valuable; you can put these alongside your full-time job or other roles to display a well-rounded experience.

Include hard numbers and achievements

In crafting a good resume, job seekers often make the mistake of creating a generic resume introduction. Instead, they should focus on the listing of specific achievements in the experience section, using impactful phrases such as “responsible for” or “tasked with.” A successful resume should include quantifiable numbers when explaining one’s responsibilities and accomplished work to showcase a tangible impact.


Crafting a good resume requires more than just a list of job experiences. It starts with strategically chosen action verbs that catch the hiring manager’s eye. Being proactive is key; use strong adjectives and action verbs to draw attention to your professional accomplishments. Each bullet point in your work experience should show how you were responsible for achieving hard numbers or hard number-oriented goals. Include specifics to provide context for your achievements; this helps your application stand out. Hiring managers seek candidates whose accomplishments are memorable and complete.

The second bullet point in each job experience should pair strong action verbs with contextually relevant professional accomplishments. This effective pairing helps hiring managers swiftly extract the total number of your achievements. Don’t just list duties; write your content so that reasons to get hired leap off the page. Your resume is the window into how you achieve within a company, so make every word count.

Adjust your work experience based on the job ad

Start by thoroughly analyzing the job ad to target specific skills and experience. Capitalize on your experience section by showcasing how you developed innovative marketing solutions and collaborated within an outreach department to promote unique products. Utilize bullet points to highlight examples where you increased sales through analyzing performance statistics of outbound marketing activities.

Employers, especially large companies, often use ATS software to sift through applicants. Hence, strategically use keywords from the job descriptions to ensure your resume stands out. Craft it as a complete guide for the ideal candidate, emphasizing your skills in developing branding materials and marketing strategies, including the creation of a mobile app that led to an increase in sales. This showcases your ability to bring innovative solutions to the table, making you a highly qualified candidate for the application.

5. Showcase your skills

Employers often look for candidates who possess a blend of hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are the job-related abilities that can be learned through specific training or gained from work experience. For instance, knowing how to operate equipment or handle point-of-sale systems are essential hard skills. On the other hand, soft skills like organizational skills, coordination, and self-management are crucial for daily tasks and interacting with others. A well-rounded personality with a strong mix of both hard and soft skills is highly valued by employers as it offers an at-a-glance view of one’s capabilities.

Candidates who have attended workshops or gained specific training at school often showcase a versatile skill set that covers hard skills while also demonstrating soft skills necessary for seamless work integration. The ability to efficiently perform daily tasks and demonstrate organizational skills aids in the smooth operation of tasks within a team. This combination of learned and acquired skills through work experience contributes to a candidate’s qualifications, making them an asset to employers seeking individuals with a holistic skill set for effective interaction and work fulfillment.

Top skills for your resume

Crafting a resume involves showcasing a diverse array of professional skills that cater to various employers. An effective resume divides these skills into separate sections emphasizing technical savvy in fields like medicine, engineering, and marketing. Highlighting analytical, communication, and leadership skills is crucial to appeal to potential employers while demonstrating adeptness in computer, customer service, and interpersonal skills fosters connections with colleagues and clients. The inclusion of language skills further enriches the profile, creating a balance that speaks volumes in today’s competitive job market.

How to list skills on your resume

Crafting a professional resume involves more than just writing; it’s about structuring it effectively. Begin by choosing the right format based on your experience: chronological, functional, or a combination of both. The layout and design should emphasize your skills, abilities, and achievements. Organize sections to highlight your strengths, qualifications, and contributions. Showcasing your successes and impact is key. If you’re a beginner, seek guidance and training to improve.

 For intermediates, practice and supervision can lead to fluency. Advanced candidates aim for mastery, showcasing deep knowledge and ease in their field. Always aim to teach and train, sharing your expertise.

Formatting and content play crucial roles. Craft concise yet impactful sentences to convey information effectively. Use bullet points to organize achievements and experiences. Highlighting key achievements and results can grab attention. Whether it’s beginner or advanced level, clear information is vital. Seek guidance to write a good resume that reflects your skills and experience accurately. 

With the right structure, your resume becomes a powerful tool to showcase your qualifications and accomplishments. Practice the art of resume writing to ease the process and ensure a professional presentation of your information.

Include skills throughout your resume

For my resume introduction, I aim to expand on my work experience as a waiter where speaking Spanish was a key skill. Instead of simply listing my previous serving jobs, I highlight the impact I made by effectively communicating with Spanish-speaking customers. In the experience section, I provide examples of difficult situations, demonstrating my true soft skills. This approach goes beyond empty words and bullet points, giving employers a clear picture of my actual abilities in a real situation.

6. Write out your education details

When writing a student resume, place the education section first if you lack work experience. This strategy includes your academic achievements before detailing your professional history. If you’re a recent graduate or never had a full-time job, this tactic provides extra space to highlight your educational accomplishments. Your education section only includes the highest degree earned. If college wasn’t pursued, mention your high school diploma.

For an academic CV or higher college applications, list all degrees attained – from high school diplomas to bachelor’s, master’s, or PhDs. Ensure to incorporate relevant coursework if it addresses the job requirements or the company’s needs as stated in the job ad. Teaching jobs or roles requiring specific academic background benefit from detailing educational achievements. This approach proves effective for those without extensive work experience, allowing a showcase of academic qualifications at the forefront.

7. Add any additional relevant resume sections

When crafting a resume, it’s essential to consider your background and tailor the document to highlight the most relevant aspects of your chosen career. For those with no experience, focus on including certifications and volunteer work to showcase skills and dedication. The professional summary should succinctly convey your experience and aspirations. Including awards and hobbies in the optional resume sections can add a personal touch. This serves as a complete guide on how to write a professional good resume, ensuring a polished representation of your qualifications.

Hobbies and interests

When applying for a job at a company like REI, it’s unlikely that hobbies and interests could sway the employer’s final hiring decision, but adding these to your resume can help your personality stand out. Additionally, mentioning your passion for camping and fishing can show hiring managers that you’re a good culture fit and personally invested in the company’s mission. It’s a great way to indicate your fit in with other employees, demonstrate your general soft skills, and ensure you include relevant aspects that demonstrate how you stick to the company’s ethos.

Volunteer work

Passionate about making a difference, I have always been interested in volunteering within my community. This meaningful volunteer work has not only enriched my experience but has also shaped my strong work ethic. I am engaged in various projects, showcasing my commitment to causes beyond a paycheck. My resume reflects a driven individual who utilizes their free time to contribute to the betterment of society, impressing potential employers with my dedication and diverse skill set.

Extracurricular activities

As a recent graduate without much professional experience, I’ve used my involvement in extracurricular activities to enrich my resume. Engaging in team sports and the debate team honed my transferable skills, showcasing my ability to work in a team and communicate effectively. Being part of a Greek life organization expanded my variety of activities and strengthened my soft skills. These experiences don’t just fill a lack of professional background; they win over hiring managers by demonstrating my versatility and adaptability to any organization.


In crafting a resume for construction engineering jobs, it’s crucial to include a dedicated section for certifications. Highlighting relevant certifications in this section can significantly enhance your chances of getting hired. For example, in a scenario where a single page is vital, consolidate all professional certifications under one concise certifications section to emphasize their importance alongside your education and work experience. This targeted list of specific certifications underscores your expertise in key fields, setting your resume apart.

Awards and honors

Being named the Employee of the Month was a significant achievement in my career, showcasing my highly successful contributions in my previous role. This formal recognition not only highlighted my dedication but also added relevant awards and honors to my resume, making it a great addition. Such acknowledgments undoubtedly show potential employers my ability to stand apart from other applicants, proving my capability to excel in any job.

These awards from a professional association not only help in displaying my achievements but also serve as tangible evidence of my highly successful performance in my previous role. They are instrumental in portraying my commitment and expertise, making it easier for employers to see my value and differentiate me from other applicants. Such recognitions undoubtedly show how I can bring added value to any team or job, underscoring my potential to thrive in any professional setting.


In academia, writing and having published work is vital. A quality contribution to an academic journal stands as a strong reference on your resume, especially in the law section, showing employers your relevant research. Ensure your name is tied to impactful publications, both in print and online, to establish a robust academic presence.


On a resume, a dedicated section highlighting foreign languages can significantly enhance job prospects in relevant careers. Being a polyglot showcases highly sought-after skills that can directly impact various professional opportunities. The ability to speak multiple languages is a valuable asset in today’s global market, setting candidates apart and opening doors to diverse career paths.

Personal projects

Someone who is passionate about programming has worked independently on multiple personal projects. For example, they spent a year developing an app and a game, showcasing their dedication and skills. This accomplishment not only fills gaps in their work experience but also serves as a motivating example for future employers. They understand the importance of a well-crafted resume and plan to upload a complete guide on LinkedIn in 2024.

8. Set up your resume formatting and style

“When applying for a senior leadership role, it’s crucial to craft a resume that highlights relevant points concisely. Utilize a professional font like Arial or Helvetica on a one-page document in US Letter size. Ensure portrait orientation and adjust margins to maintain a clean layout. Using Microsoft Word, create a new document to avoid the default formatting of a two-page long resume. Present key information on both sides of the page, making it easy for the hiring manager to grasp your qualifications swiftly.

Choosing a design for your resume

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Crafting a resume that captures attention in formal industries like law, finance, or politics often requires a traditional resume style. Opt for clean lines and simple formatting with no graphics but incorporate professional and dark colors like navy blue or burgundy. Employ a sans-serif resume font for a polished look and use headers and sidebars for delineating sections. For creative industries such as tech or marketing, consider a modern design with brighter colors, subtle graphic details, and illustrated skill levels to showcase abilities. Whether in a simple or artistic job role like a graphic designer, highlighting skills with modern resume template designs can swiftly draw the hiring manager’s attention.

9. Proofread your application (several times)

Once you’ve finished writing your resume, it’s crucial to check it thoroughly for mistakes. Don’t rely solely on Microsoft Word’s spell checker; consider using Grammarly, Hemingway, or other AI tools to scan for typos and grammar or spelling issues. These AI resume checkers can spot errors that you might miss. Before you send it to a friend or relative, ensure a meticulous reading to guarantee its accuracy.

10. Email your resume

Crafting a standout resume is crucial when applying for roles in 2024. Ensure your Word or DOCX file is impeccably formatted, using professional fonts for easy readability. When sending it via email or uploading on job platforms, convert it to a PDF to maintain its layout. Introduce yourself effectively, addressing the hiring manager or employer by name and tailor your LinkedIn to complement your resume for potential employers to gain a comprehensive view.

Model your resume after a good resume example

Explore these nicely crafted resumes designed specifically for diverse experience levels. They serve as ideal inspiration for refining your own resume. These samples showcase effective tailoring to cater to different career stages, offering valuable guidance for your unique professional journey.

Entry-level candidate resume

Entry-level candidate resume

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Experienced candidate resume

Experienced candidate resume

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How to create a resume online fast

If you’re a job seeker short on time or not fond of writing, consider using a resume builder or ChatGPT. These AI tools can act like a magic wand, efficiently creating a polished resume that earns you interviews. By providing a well-thought-out prompt and necessary information, you can overcome the limitations of AI software and ensure an impressive and accurate final product.

However, it’s crucial to understand that AI tools, including ChatGPT, aren’t a true magic wand. To achieve the best results, job seekers must carefully consider the structure of their prompt, the information they input, and the inherent limitations of AI software. While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for creating a basic resume or receiving quick suggestions, the effort you put into providing detail will directly impact the impressiveness and accuracy of the final product.

Using a resume builder

ChatGPT, an AI-powered resume builder, streamlines the resume creation process by guiding users through each step. Once filled out, the software provides helpful suggestions and fills out information, creating a professionally designed resume in various formats. Users can easily select from a variety of templates with a simple click of the arrows on the right or left side of the page, ensuring their resume looks great. The online platform also allows users to choose an individual template, select colors from a dropdown button at the top, and create a cover letter in the same visually consistent format, making it a fantastic alternative for those seeking a user-friendly and effective resume builder in 2023.

Pair your resume with a convincing cover letter

Sending a well-written resume along with a cover letter that explains your experience and skills is the best way to approach a job application. Tailoring your resume to highlight relevant work history and emphasizing your passion for the specific role makes you appear as the perfect fit. Avoid using a premade template; instead, add finishing touches to make it effective and complete for the employers. Providing information that showcases why you’re qualified for the position significantly boosts your chances of success.


In conclusion, this complete guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to write a professional and compelling resume. By following the outlined steps and implementing the provided tips, you can significantly enhance your chances of standing out among other candidates and securing your desired job. Remember, a well-written resume is your key to opening doors to new career opportunities.


What is a resume guide?

Write your resume headline – This is a concise, one-line description of who you are as a candidate. Write a summary – This is a brief statement that highlights your main skills, experience, and career goals. Identify important keywords – Read the job description and note the skills and keywords that appear the most.

How do you write a complete guide for a resume?

How to create a professional resume

  • Start by choosing the right resume format. 
  • Include your name and contact information. 
  • Add a resume summary or objective. 
  • List your soft and hard skills.
  • List your professional history with keywords.
  • Include an education section.
  • Consider adding optional sections.
  • Format your resume.

How can I write a professional resume?

What are the basic steps to writing a resume?

  • Prepare by gathering your information.
  • Choose a format and a resume template.
  • Add your contact information to the resume header.
  • Write a resume summary or objective statement.
  • Make a resume work experience section.
  • Create a resume skills section.

What is the best resume format for 2023?

reverse-chronological resume format

For the majority of job-seekers, the best resume format in 2023 is the reverse-chronological resume format. This resume format involves listing your resume information (e.g. your work experience and your education) starting with the most recent one and going backward through relevant jobs, degrees, or qualifications.

What is the XYZ format for a resume?

Use the X by Y by Z formula

Google describes this as: “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].” But just to make it easier to remember, let’s shorten it to X-Y-Z. This means that you want to focus on accomplishments — quantitative results and the impact that you had as a result.


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