
How to Start on Fiverr: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

How to start on Fiverr

If you are looking for a reliable and flexible platform to offer your services as a freelancer, Fiverr is a great option to consider. Fiverr is a popular online platform that connects freelancers with businesses and people who need their services. Fiverr is a great place to start your freelance job and build your reputation as a freelancer. It has more than 2 million active buyers and sellers from all over the world. In this post, we’ll show you the steps you need to take to get started on Fiverr. You can watch Videos or take classes on All tips and tricks of Fiverr. Watch Now Fiverr Success Course .

We will Cover :

Introduction to Fiverr

Benefits of Using Fiverr as a Freelancer

Step 1: Create Your Fiverr Account

Step 2: Set Up Your Profile

Step 3: Create Your First Gig

Step 4: Optimize Your Gig for Search Engines

Step 5: Promote Your Gig on social media

Step 6: Start Receiving Orders and Delivering Quality Work

Step 7: Build Your Reputation and Increase Your Earnings

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting on Fiverr

Tips for Success on Fiverr

Introduction to Fiverr

Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers offer their services to businesses and individuals looking for affordable and high-quality work. Fiverr was founded in 2010 and has since grown to become one of the largest freelance marketplaces on the internet. The platform allows freelancers to create their profiles, showcase their skills and work experience, and offer their services to potential clients.

Benefits of Using Fiverr as a Freelancer

Fiverr offers several benefits to freelancers looking to start their careers. Here are some of the key advantages of using Fiverr as a freelancer:

Wide range of job categories:

Fiverr offers a wide range of job categories, including graphic design, writing and translation, video and animation, music and audio, programming and tech, and more. This makes it easy for freelancers to find jobs that match their skills and expertise.

Low entry barrier:

Unlike other freelance marketplaces, Fiverr has a low entry barrier, which means that freelancers can start offering their services without any upfront costs or fees.

Global reach:

Fiverr has a global reach, which means that freelancers can offer their services to clients from around the world.

Flexible working arrangements:

Fiverr allows freelancers to work on their own terms, which means that they can set their own prices, work hours, and project deadlines.

Opportunity to build your reputation:

Fiverr provides an opportunity for freelancers to build their reputation by delivering high-quality work and receiving positive reviews from clients.

Step 1: Create Your Fiverr Account

1 Go to and click on the “Join” button in the top right corner of the page. From the Fiverr homepage, click Become a Seller.

2.Click Become a Seller.

3.Enter your email address and click Continue.

Note: You can also join with Facebook and Google Connect.

4.Choose a username.

– Your username cannot be changed once you’ve activated your account.
– Your username is your display name (within your Fiverr URL), so choose it wisely.
– Your username can be up to 15 characters max. and cannot contain special characters.

5.Choose a password and click Join.
You are now a registered user on Fiverr. An email will be sent for you to activate your account.

Note: This activation link in the email will be valid for 30 days. After 30 days, when logged in to Fiverr, you can click Resend and you will receive another email also active for 30 days.

6. Within the email you receive from Fiverr, click Activate Your Account.

Step 2: Set Up Your Profile

Once you have created your account, the next step is to set up your profile. Your profile is your online portfolio and is the first thing that potential clients will see when they visit your page. This is what you will see when you preview public mode”

This is what you will see when you preview public mode”

1.Use a professional profile picture that represents your brand.

2.Write a clear and concise description of your skills and experience

3.You will also have the opportunity to take tests to show your proficiency in different areas.

4.Add relevant tags and skills to your profile to make it easier for clients to find you in search results.

5.Include your education, work experience, and certifications to showcase your expertise. If you have done any course from Bright With Us. You can mention .

Step 3: Create Your First Gig

After setting up your profile, you can start creating your first gig. A gig is a service that you offer on Fiverr, and it can be anything from writing an article to designing a logo. Here are some tips for creating your first gig:

1.Do some keyword Research of your skills

2.Choose a keyword has low competition and High potential

3.Choose a gig category that matches your skills and experience.

4.Write a clear and concise gig title and description by using your keywords

5.Set a competitive price for your gig.

6. Add gig extras to offer clients additional services for an extra fee.

7.Add attractive Gig images, that should be very catchy.

8.Upload samples of your previous work to showcase your skills.

Step 4: Optimize Your Gig for Search Engines

To get more visibility and attract potential clients to your gig, you need to optimize it for search engines. Here are some tips for optimizing your gig:

1.Use relevant keywords in your gig title and description.

2.Use descriptive tags that match the services you offer.

3.Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your work.

4.Include a call-to-action in your gig description to encourage clients to place an order.

Step 5: Promote Your Gig on Social Media

Once you have created your gig, the next step is to promote it on social media. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn are great places to promote your gig and attract potential clients. Here are some tips for promoting your gig on social media:

Share your gig link on your social media profiles.

Use relevant hashtags to attract potential clients.

Engage with your followers and respond to their comments and questions.

Offer special deals and discounts to attract new clients.

Step 6: Start Receiving Orders and Delivering Quality Work

After promoting your gig, you should start receiving orders from potential clients. When you receive an order, make sure to communicate with the client and understand their requirements. Here are some tips for delivering quality work:

1.Deliver your work on time and as per the client’s requirements.

2.Communicate with the client regularly and keep them updated on the progress of their order.

3.Respond to any feedback or revisions requested by the client.

4.Offer additional services to the client to enhance their experience.

Step 7: Build Your Reputation and Increase Your Earnings

As you start delivering quality work and receiving positive feedback from clients, your reputation on Fiverr will grow. Here are some tips for building your reputation and increasing your earnings:

1.Aim for high client satisfaction by delivering quality work.

2.Offer exceptional customer service to your clients.

3.Respond to any queries or concerns from your clients promptly.

4.Offer additional services or packages to increase your earnings.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting on Fiverr

Starting on Fiverr can be challenging, and there are some common mistakes that new freelancers make. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

Setting unrealistic prices for your services.

Not communicating with clients effectively.

Not delivering work on time or as per the client’s requirements.

Not providing high-quality work and receiving negative feedback.

Tips for Success on Fiverr

To succeed on Fiverr, you need to offer high-quality services and provide exceptional customer service. Here are some tips for success:

1.Research your competition and offer unique services that stand out.

Keep your gigs simple, but offer very clear directives on what you require from the client, what the gig includes, and the pricing.

2.Keep your gig description and profile updated.

Look at other gigs in the same category as the gigs you will offer to get an idea of how other professionals are handling and setting up their gigs. This is a very helpful way to get started.

3.Clients can request a quote

Refer to your own gig pricing for existing gigs and the scope of work the client needs to prepare a quote for them. You can then select to “create a special offer” in which you will sum up what was discussed with the client and what the order will entail.

4. Start CHEAP

I started editing and writing blog posts at $5.00 each until I had a few ratings under my belt and then began incrementally raising prices a little at a time.

4.Respond to clients promptly and keep them informed.

5.Offer high-quality work and aim for 100% client satisfaction.

6.Stay active on Fiverr and promote your services regularly.

7. Get Some Reviews

Get a friend to order from you (even if you independently refund their money) just so you can get those first few order reviews posted.


Starting on Fiverr can be a great way to start your freelancing career and earn money from your skills and expertise. By following these steps and tips, you can create a successful gig on Fiverr and start receiving orders from potential clients. Remember to optimize your gig for search engines, promote it on social media, and deliver quality work to your clients. With time and effort, you can build your reputation and increase your earnings on Fiverr.


How do I promote my gig on Fiverr?

To promote your gig on Fiverr, you can optimize it for search engines, promote it on social media, and offer special deals and discounts to attract new clients. You can also respond to client reviews and feedback and offer exceptional customer service to your clients.

How much can I earn on Fiverr?

Your earnings on Fiverr depend on the services you offer, the prices you set, and the number of clients you attract. Some freelancers earn thousands of dollars per month on Fiverr, while others earn a few hundred dollars. To increase your earnings, you need to offer high-quality services and promote your gig regularly.

Can I work on Fiverr part-time or full-time?

Yes, you can work on Fiverr part-time or full-time, depending on your availability and workload. Some freelancers work on Fiverr as a side hustle, while others work on it full-time and earn a living from their services.


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