
From Botany Student to Freelancer: Unveiling My Journey

From Student to Freelancer: Unveiling My Journey of Success with Bright With Us

Everyone has a story to tell; mine is a journey of personal growth, professional development, and unwavering determination. This story recounts my experiences, from becoming a part of Bright With Us to discovering the world of freelancing and setting new goals for myself.

About Me:

My name is Sundas Fatima, and I am a Botany graduate pursuing my Master’s degree in the same field. In 2020, I embarked on a transformative path by joining Bright with Us, an organization that has played a pivotal role in shaping my future.

Joining Bright With Us:

As a student, my focus was always on developing strong communication skills. Recognizing the importance of effective communication in today’s competitive world, I joined Bright With Us in their first English Learning Course in 2020. Little did I know that this decision would open doors to a new career path.

Bright With Us honed my language skills and recognized my potential. Encouraged by my colleague, Mr. Habib Ur Rahman, who became a valuable mentor and a friend, I found myself venturing into freelancing. Through conversations with my peers at Bright With Us, I discovered the life-changing potential of freelancing. Intrigued by their success stories, I embarked on a quest to acquire the necessary skills to thrive as a freelancer.

Freelancing Journey

In 2021, Bright With Us launched its first Fiverr freelancing course, and I eagerly joined as a trainee. Under the guidance of Mr. Muttie Ur Rehman, our instructor, I learned the intricacies of freelancing from scratch. He taught us to think like successful individuals and nurtured our entrepreneurial spirits.

I created my first gig on a short skill in September 2021 with newfound knowledge and determination. Surprisingly, I received my first order within the second week. This initial success fueled my motivation to continue my freelancing journey. Despite juggling demanding studies and family responsibilities, I have managed to earn over 2000 USD to date through my freelancing ventures.

My New Goals

 However, I acknowledge that I could have dedicated more time to freelancing in the past year, but now I am determined to priorities it and expand my skill set.

Although freelancing began as a side job, I am now committed to polishing my skills further and utilizing this opportunity as a permanent career. I aspire to establish my presence and build a reputable name in the international market. I plan to continue learning and acquiring new skills through Bright With Us to achieve this. The organization has been my home, offering unwavering support and guidance throughout my journey.

My Message to the Youth of Pakistan

My success story is a testament to the remarkable opportunities for Pakistan’s youth. Bright With Us has played a crucial role in equipping individuals like myself with the necessary tools to overcome the economic challenges prevalent in our country. I urge the young generation to explore alternative career paths and tap into the immense potential of freelancing. With determination, perseverance, and the proper guidance, one can overcome barriers and achieve personal and financial success.


In conclusion, my journey from a student to a successful freelancer has been shaped by the invaluable support and guidance I received from Bright With Us. They recognized my potential and gave me the skills and resources necessary to embark on this transformative path. Through freelancing, I have earned an income and gained confidence, expanded my knowledge, and created opportunities for myself.

I express my deepest gratitude to Bright With Us for their unwavering commitment to empowering the youth of Pakistan. They have created a platform where dreams can turn into reality, where young individuals can unleash their potential and thrive in the ever-evolving world of freelancing. I encourage everyone to embrace their passions, seize opportunities, and embark on unique success journeys.

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