
Waseem’s Journey: From Student to Successful Freelancer

Waseem’s Journey: From [Struggling Student] to [Top Freelancer]

My name is Waseem, and I come from a small village in District Muzaffargarh. Growing up, I always had big dreams but didn’t know how to achieve them. I was studying for a bachelor’s degree in Operation Theater (BS OT) and working a job to support myself. Life was tough, and I knew I wanted something more a career where I could be my own boss and earn enough to live comfortably.

Joining Bright With Us in 2022: A New Beginning

In 2022, I heard about a place called Bright With Us, an institute that offers courses in freelancing and digital skills. I was curious and decided to enroll in a short course they offered. This was the first time I was introduced to the world of freelancing, and it changed my life.

The course was about basic freelancing skills, with a focus on Fiverr, a platform where people offer services to clients all over the world. We learned how to create a Fiverr account, set up gigs, and market our services. I also learned some short skills like transcription, which is converting spoken words into text. These skills were new to me, but I quickly realized their value. The idea that I could offer my skills online and earn money without leaving my home was exciting.

One of the best parts of joining Bright With Us was meeting Sir Habib, the mentor who led our course. Sir Habib was not just a teacher; he was a guide who believed in our potential. He taught us not only the technical skills needed to succeed in freelancing but also the mindset required to overcome challenges. 

During the course, I worked hard to absorb everything I was taught. I practiced setting up gigs on Fiverr, learned how to communicate with clients, and started taking on small transcription projects. Each project was a learning experience, and with every job I completed, my confidence grew.

The Decision to Focus on Freelancing Full-Time

After completing the course, I started taking freelancing more seriously. I continued working at my job while freelancing on the side. At first, it was difficult to manage both, but as I gained more clients and earned more money through Fiverr, I started to see freelancing as a real career option.

Eventually, I made a big decision: I decided to quit my job and focus on freelancing full-time. It was a scary step, but I knew it was the right one. By that time, I had earned a few hundred dollars, and I was determined to keep growing my freelance business. I was excited about the possibilities and wanted to see how far I could go.

Becoming a Level 2 Seller on FiverrWaseem’s Journey: From [Struggling Student] to [Top Freelancer]

With all my attention on freelancing, I started to see real success. I focused on delivering high-quality work and keeping my clients happy. This approach paid off, and soon, I became a Level 2 seller on Fiverr. Reaching this level was a big achievement for me. It meant that I had completed a significant number of orders and had received positive feedback from my clients.

Becoming a Level 2 seller opened up new opportunities. I started getting more orders and was able to charge higher rates for my services. By this time, I had earned over $5,000 through freelancing. This was more money than I had ever imagined earning in such a short time. My success on Fiverr gave me the confidence to explore other areas of freelancing and to keep learning new skills.

Returning to Bright With Us in 2024: A New Chapter

Even though I was doing well, I knew there was still so much more to learn. The freelancing world is always changing, and I wanted to stay ahead of the curve. That’s why, in 2024, I decided to go back to Bright With Us. This time, I joined a special video editing course and internship.

Video editing is a skill that is in high demand, and I wanted to add it to my portfolio. The course was more advanced than what I had done before, but I was ready for the challenge. The internship part of the program allowed me to work on real projects, which was incredibly valuable. I learned how to use professional video editing software, how to tell stories through video, and how to meet the needs of clients who wanted top-quality content.

During this time, I was also able to reconnect with Sir Habib. He continued to guide me and pushed me to improve my skills. He always encouraged me to think creatively and to strive for excellence in everything I did. The video editing course was intense, but it was exactly what I needed to take my freelancing career to the next level.

The Impact of Bright With Us on My Life

Looking back, joining Bright With Us was one of the best decisions I ever made. The skills I learned, the mentorship I received, and the opportunities that came my way have all played a crucial role in my success. Bright With Us gave me the tools I needed to build a career as a freelancer, and it opened doors that I didn’t even know existed.

Because of what I learned at Bright With Us, I was able to leave my job, earn a substantial income, and gain financial independence. I now have the freedom to work from anywhere, choose the projects I want to work on, and continue growing my skills.

Sharing My Success and Encouraging Others

As I continue on my freelancing journey, I’m also passionate about sharing my experiences with others. I often tell my friends and family about the opportunities in freelancing and how they can start their own journey. I believe that if I can achieve success, anyone can. All it takes is the right skills, the right mindset, and the willingness to work hard.

I also make sure to stay in touch with the Bright With Us community. I know there are many students out there who are just starting their journey, and I want to encourage them to keep going. I often tell them, “Don’t give up, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Your hard work will pay off.”

My Message to Others: Never Stop Learning

If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all of this, it’s that learning never stops. The world of freelancing is always changing, and to stay successful, you have to keep up with new trends and skills. That’s why I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had at Bright With Us. They’ve taught me that with the right guidance and continuous learning, you can achieve anything.

I want to tell everyone who is reading this: If you have a dream, go after it. Don’t let fear hold you back. Take that first step, just like I did when I joined Bright With Us in 2022. Whether it’s learning a new skill, starting a new career, or improving yourself in some way, don’t be afraid to take the leap. And remember, you’re not alone—there are people like Sir Habib and institutes like Bright With Us that are here to help you every step of the way.

What’s Next for Me

As for my future plans, I’m excited about what lies ahead. I plan to continue growing my freelancing business and expanding into new areas. Video editing has opened up a whole new world of possibilities, and I’m eager to see where it takes me. I’m also considering starting my own YouTube channel where I can share my journey and help others learn the skills that have helped me succeed.

In addition, I want to give back to my community. I know there are many young people in my village and beyond who are looking for a way to improve their lives. I want to share my knowledge with them and show them that with the right skills and determination, they too can achieve their dreams.

Final Thoughts: Gratitude and Hope

To anyone reading this who is thinking about starting their own freelancing journey, I say this: Go for it. Don’t let anything hold you back. The path may not always be easy, but with hard work, determination, and the right support, you can achieve more than you ever imagined.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey. I’m excited about the future, and I look forward to continuing to grow, learn, and succeed.

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