
Muhammad Nauman’s Journey: From A Village Boy to A Successful Freelancer

Muhammad Nauman’s Journey: From Village Boy to Success Story

My name is Mohammad Nauman, and I’m excited to share my story with you. I come from a small village, where I grew up helping my family run a kariana store. It was a simple life, but I always knew I wanted more. I wanted to explore the world, learn new skills, and make a name for myself. In 2023, I found that opportunity when I joined the second batch of freelancing at Bright With Us.

Joining Bright With Us in 2023: A New Path

In early 2023, I heard about a freelancing program at Bright With Us, an institute known for helping people develop digital skills and build online careers. At that time, I didn’t know much about freelancing, but I was curious. The idea of working from anywhere, being my own boss, and earning money by offering services online really interested me. So, I decided to join the freelancing course.

The instructor for our batch was Habib Rehman. From the first day, he became more than just a teacher; he was a mentor and guide who believed in each one of us. His knowledge and passion for freelancing inspired me. He didn’t just teach us the basics he showed us how freelancing could change our lives if we were willing to work hard and learn.

Exploring Video Editing: A Life-Changing Decision

During the course, we learned about freelancing platforms like Fiverr and how to create gigs. We were taught how to present ourselves to potential clients and how to market our skills online. It was all new to me, but I was eager to learn. I completed every task given to us and soaked up all the information I could.Muhammad Nauman’s Journey: From A Village Boy to a Successful Freelancer

At one point, Sir Habib suggested I try video editing. He believed I had a good eye for creativity and encouraged me to explore this skill. At first, I wasn’t sure. Video editing seemed challenging, but I trusted his advice and decided to give it a shot. I started learning the basics how to use editing software, how to tell a story through video, and how to meet clients’ expectations.

Building My Freelancing Career: Hard Work Pays Off

Once I had the basics down, I started offering my video editing services online. It wasn’t easy at first. Like any freelancer starting out, I had to prove myself, build my reputation, and find clients. But I didn’t give up. I knew that if I worked hard, the results would come.

One of my first big breaks came when I started working with Level 2 Cellular and 5R, two platforms where I was able to connect with clients. These projects were a turning point for me. They gave me the experience I needed and helped me build my portfolio. I also took on several local clients, offering video editing services for their personal and business projects. Whether it was editing promotional videos, creating content for social media, or working on personal video projects, I made sure to deliver high-quality work every time.

I spent six months honing my video editing skills, learning from every project I worked on. With every job, I became more confident in my abilities. My clients were happy with the work I was doing, and I started receiving more and more orders. Soon, I was earning a steady income from freelancing. It was an incredible feeling to know that the hard work I had put in was paying off.

Returning to My Village: A New Challenge

After six months of working in freelancing and building my skills, I made a decision. Even though I was doing well, I felt a strong pull to return to my village and join my family’s business. The Kariana store, which had been a part of my life for so long, needed me. I wanted to help my family and see how I could combine my new skills with the business.

It wasn’t an easy choice. I had built momentum in my freelancing career, and leaving that behind to focus on the family store felt like a step back. But I also saw it as a new challenge an opportunity to apply what I had learned in a different way.

Combining Freelancing with Family Business: A New Opportunity

When I returned to my village, I didn’t abandon freelancing completely. Instead, I found a way to balance both. During the day, I helped run the Kariana store, handling day-to-day operations, managing stock, and interacting with customers. In the evenings, I continued to work on my freelance projects.

The skills I had learned in video editing didn’t go to waste. I found ways to use my creativity to promote the store. I made short videos for our social media pages, showcasing the products we offered and the special deals we had. These videos helped bring in more customers, especially the younger crowd who were more active on social media. It was rewarding to see how my freelancing skills could benefit the family business in unexpected ways.

At the same time, I kept taking on freelance clients. The balance between the two was challenging at first, but I made it work. I was determined to succeed in both areas helping my family’s business grow while continuing to build my freelance career.

The Support of Bright With Us: A Lifelong Community

Throughout my journey, the support of Bright With Us was always there. Even after completing the freelancing course, I stayed in touch with Sir Habib and the Bright With Us community. Whenever I faced challenges or needed advice, I knew I could turn to them.

Bright With Us isn’t just an institute; it’s a community of people who want to see each other succeed. The encouragement and support I received from Sir Habib and my fellow students played a huge role in my success. They reminded me that no matter where I was or what I was doing, I could always continue to learn and grow.

Lessons Learned: Perseverance and Adaptability

Looking back on my journey, I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons. One of the most important lessons is perseverance. Nothing comes easy, especially when you’re starting something new. When I first began freelancing, there were times when I felt like giving up. But I kept going because I knew that success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and a lot of patience.

Another lesson I learned is adaptability. Life is full of changes, and you have to be willing to adapt to new situations. When I decided to return to my village and work in the family business, I didn’t see it as giving up on freelancing. Instead, I saw it as a chance to apply my skills in a different way. Being able to adapt and find new opportunities is what keeps you moving forward.

The Importance of Following Your Passion

Above all, I’ve learned the importance of following your passion. Freelancing gave me the freedom to explore my creativity and work on projects I was passionate about. Running the family business allowed me to contribute to something that has been a part of my life for so long. Both experiences have taught me that when you’re passionate about what you do, success will follow.

I’m proud of what I’ve achieved so far, but I know there’s still so much more to come. My freelance business is growing, and I’m excited to take on more challenging projects. I’m also looking for new ways to help my family’s store thrive.

My Message to Others: Stay Committed and Keep Learning

To anyone thinking about starting a career in freelancing or any other field, my message is simple: stay committed and keep learning. There will be times when things don’t go as planned, and you may face setbacks, but don’t let that stop you. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.

Freelancing has given me the freedom to work on my own terms, but it requires dedication and a willingness to learn. The skills I learned at Bright With Us were just the beginning. Since then, I’ve continued to learn from every client, every project, and every experience. The journey never stops, and that’s what makes it exciting.

The Future: Growing My Freelance Business and Giving Back

Looking ahead, I have big plans for the future. I want to expand my freelance business and take on more complex projects. Video editing has become a passion of mine, and I’m excited to see where it takes me. I also want to continue helping my family’s business grow, using my skills to bring in more customers and keep the store running smoothly.

At the same time, I’m passionate about giving back to my community. I know there are many young people in my village who, like me, want to find new opportunities and make a better life for themselves. I want to share my knowledge with them, teach them 

what I’ve learned, and show them that they too can succeed with the right skills and mindset.

Final Thoughts: Gratitude and Excitement for the Future

As I reflect on my journey, I’m filled with gratitude. I’m grateful for the support of Bright With Us, the guidance of Sir Habib, and the opportunities that freelancing has given me. My life has changed in ways I never imagined, and I’m excited for what the future holds.

To anyone reading this, I encourage you to follow your dreams, work hard, and never stop learning. Whether you’re starting a new career, building a business, or pursuing a passion, the key to success is perseverance and a willingness to adapt.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey, especially Bright With Us. I look forward to continuing to grow, learn, and succeed.

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