
  • Module 1

    ✅ How To Earn Online ?

    ✅ What is Freelancing ?

    ✅ How to Start Freelancing ?

    ✅ Different Fields in Freelancing!

    ✅ Freelancing Websites

    ✅ Professional Attitude In Freelancing 

    Module 2:

    ✅ What is Fiverr ?

    ✅ Fiverr Complete Overview 

    ✅ Account Creation 

    ✅ Profile Building

    ✅  What Is keyword Research?

    ✅ Keywords Research Methods 

    Module 3:

    ✅ Fiverr Gig Creation

    ✅ Gig Optimization

    ✅ How To Rank Gigs On Fiverr ?

    ✅ Secret Formula To get Orders

    ✅ Live Bidding On Fiverr

    Module 4:

    ✅ How To communicate With Clients ?

    ✅ How to Beat Experience Sellers ?

    ✅ Payment Methods In Pakistan 

    ✅ How to Get Orders Through Social Media ?

15 days Course   

Free Registration   

Classes starting from : 23rd October 2023
For any questions, Contact at +923498072346

Online Classes at Zoom 

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