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Annual Freelancing Summit 2024

Exciting News! Bright With Us is thrilled to share that we’ll be hosting the Annual Freelancing Summit 2024. It’s a special day where freelancers, entrepreneurs, content creators, and professionals can come together for networking, learning, and celebration. The event will take place at the  main office of Bright With Us.


Annual Freelancing Summit 2024

Community Gathering:

The Main purpose of this summit is  to build an Excellent  platform for freelancers, entrepreneurs, content creators, professionals , Alumni’s and  Members  of Bright With Us to come together and connect. It’s an opportunity for like-minded individuals to share experiences, insights, and build a supportive network within the freelancing community.

Awareness Session:

At that day, attendees will have the chance to participate in engaging awareness sessions. These sessions will cover a wide range of topics relevant to freelancing, entrepreneurship, and professional development. Industry experts and seasoned freelancers will share their knowledge and provide valuable insights to help attendees enhance their skills and thrive in their respective fields.

Top-rated freelancers, successful entrepreneurs, content creators, and seasoned professionals will share their thoughts, experiences, and strategies for success. These talks will inspire and motivate the audience, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of freelancing.

Awards Distribution:

To recognize and celebrate excellence within the freelancing community, Bright With Us will be presenting awards to Successful member of our community from any Niche.  The awards ceremony aims to honor individuals who have demonstrated outstanding contributions and achievements in their respective fields. Categories for Awards Nominations are

  • Pioneer Freelancer award
  • Most Earner Freelancer Award
  • Creative Editing Excellence Award
  • E-Commerce Expert Award
  • Creative Designer Award
  • Content Blogger Award
  • Educationist Award
  • Outstanding Internship Performance Award
  • YouTube Creator Awards

These all awards for the members, Alumni’s, Students and Internees of Bright With Us Family. One Individual Can apply in one category. You Can Read all details for each category and Apply Here. 

Announcements by Our CEO :

Bright With Us CEO, Habib Ur Rahman, will make important announcements during the summit. These announcements may include updates on Bright With Us initiatives, programs, and opportunities for the freelancing community and the youth of Pakistan. Attendees can look forward to gaining valuable insights into the company’s vision and plans for the future.

Must Join Us for an Unforgettable Day:

The Annual Freelancing Summit 2024 promises to be a day filled with learning, networking, and celebration. Freelancers, entrepreneurs, content creators, and professionals are encouraged to join us at our Office  on 1st Feb 2024.
  • Start Time
    February 1, 2024 - 1:00 pm
  • End Time
    February 1, 2024 - 3:30 pm
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Organizer
    BWU Event Organizing Team
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